Date: December 15, 2024
INTEGR LTD (Office 404M, High Street North, East Ham, London, UK), hereinafter referred to as the "Licensor", publishes this License Agreement-Offer (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer"), which is a public offer of INTEGRIUM.IO platform. The Offer is addressed to individuals and is the official public offer of the Licensor to conclude a license agreement for the right to use the mobile application, the copyright holder of which is the Licensor, on the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").
The Agreement is considered concluded and comes into force from the moment the individual performs the actions provided for in this Offer and meaning the unconditional acceptance by the individual of all the conditions.
Before using the Application, please read the terms of this Agreement. Any use of the Application by You means full and unconditional acceptance by You of the terms of this Agreement. If you do not accept the terms of the Agreement in full, you do not have the right to use the program for any purpose.
1. Terms used in this Agreement
1.1. Licensor - INTEGR LTD (Office 404M, High Street North, East Ham, London, UK), which is the copyright holder of the Application.
1.2. Licensee - an individual who has the necessary legal capacity to conclude this Agreement, who has a sufficient scope of rights, to whom the right to use the Application within the limits provided for in this Agreement is granted in accordance with this Agreement. The Licensee is a Party to this Agreement.
2. General provisions
2.1. The Agreement is a public contract of accession and is concluded by the acceptance of the terms of this Offer by an individual.
2.2. The acceptance of this Offer is the commission by an individual of actual actions to install (download) the Application on a mobile device, which are considered as full and unconditional consent to the terms of the Agreement.
2.3. This Offer defines the procedure for using the Application and is available for review by an unlimited number of persons on the Licensor's information resource at ``.
3. Subject of the agreement
3.1. The Licensor grants the Licensee a free, and in some cases paid, right to use the Application on the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license within the limits provided for by the Agreement.
3.2. The Licensee has the right to use the Application in the following ways:
3.2.1. Perform actions necessary for the functioning of the Application (including during use in accordance with its purpose), including recording and storing in the memory of the mobile device;
3.2.2. Study, explore or test the functioning of the Application by performing the actions specified in clause 3.2.1. of the Agreement.
3.3. The right to use the Application provided for in clause 3.1. of the Agreement is granted to the Licensee for the duration of the Agreement, and cannot be provided (transferred) by the Licensee to third parties in full or in part.
3.4. The rights to use the Application that are not explicitly stated in this Offer are not considered granted to the Licensee.
3.5. The right to use the Application provided for in clause 3.1. of the Agreement is granted to the Licensee from the moment the Licensee performs the actual actions to install (download) the Application on the mobile device.
3.6. By installing the Application, the User provides their personal data, namely: name, city, date of birth, and consents to the processing of their personal data by the Licensor for the purpose of fulfilling this Agreement.
3.7. The right to use the Application provided for in clause 3.1. of the Agreement extends to all subsequent updates and/or new versions of the Application from the moment the Licensee performs actual actions to install (download) updates and/or a new version of the Application on the mobile device.
4. Rights and obligations of the parties
4.1. The Licensee has the right to:
4.1.1. conclude an agreement with the Licensor by performing the actions specified in clause 2.2 of this Agreement, thereby confirming that he is not limited in legal capacity, is able to independently exercise and protect his rights and obligations, does not suffer from diseases that prevent him from understanding the essence of the concluded Agreement and the circumstances of its conclusion;
4.1.2. use the Application during the trial period to listen to affirmations.
4.1.3. arrange a paid subscription according to one of the offered tariff plans.
4.1.4. send questions related to the use and/or inability to use the Application to the email address of the Licensor
4.2. The Licensee is obliged to:
4.2.1. cease using the Application after the termination of the Agreement;
4.2.2. not make any changes to the Application, including decompilation, decryption and other actions in order to obtain information about the implementation of the algorithms used in the Application;
4.2.3. not create derivatives of the Application (do not modify the Application);
4.2.4. not reproduce and not distribute the Application for commercial purposes, including as part of software product collections;
4.2.5. not extract, copy, reproduce, process and distribute the information presented in the Application; not post such information on the Internet and in the media;
4.2.6. respect the intellectual property rights of third parties to the results of intellectual activity and equated to them means of individualization when using the Application;
4.2.7. not upload, store, publish, distribute, provide access and not make changes to the Application information that:
- violates the rights of minors;
- is vulgar or indecent, contains pornographic images, texts and sexual scenes;
- contains scenes of violence and inhumane treatment of animals;
- contains descriptions of means and methods of suicide, any incitement to its commission;
- promotes and/or contributes to the incitement of racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, promotes fascism or the ideology of racial superiority;
- contains extremist materials;
- promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions or guides on committing criminal acts;
- contains information of limited access, including, but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the private life of third parties;
- contains advertising or describes the attractiveness of the use of narcotic substances, including "digital drugs" (sound files that have an impact on the human brain due to binaural rhythms); information about the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture and advice on use;
- has a fraudulent character;
- violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities, as well as the requirements of the current legislation of the United Kingdom;
- information that is not specified in this Agreement, but falls under the actions of the Google Play service policy provided by Google LLC regarding prohibited content:
4.2.8. get acquainted with the terms of the Offer in a timely and full manner;
4.2.9. independently monitor changes and additions made by the Licensor to the Offer in accordance with clause 4.3.1 of the Offer.
4.2.10. fully bear responsibility, in accordance with the current legislation, for the information uploaded and published by the Licensee in the Application;
4.3. The Licensor has the right to:
4.3.1. unilaterally make changes and additions to the Offer;
4.3.2. fully or partially refuse to fulfill the Agreement in case of violation by the Licensee of the terms of the Agreement, by blocking or deleting the Licensee's account in the Application;
4.3.3. in the event that the exclusive right of the Licensor to the Application is violated by the unlawful actions of the Licensee, the Licensor has the right to demand the application of measures to protect the exclusive right in accordance with the current legislation of the United Kingdom;
4.3.4. at any time, at its own discretion, make any changes to the Application, including modifying the Application, discontinue its development and technical support, as well as carry out preventive and other technical work during which the operation of the Application may be completely or partially limited.
4.3.5. completely or partially delete the information uploaded by the Licensee to the Application in cases where this information violates clauses 4.2.6 and 4.2.7. of this Agreement;
4.3.6. fully or partially refuse to fulfill the Agreement in case of violation by the Licensee of the terms of the Agreement, by blocking or deleting the Licensee's account in the Application;
4.4. The Licensor is obliged to:
4.4.1. notify the Licensee about making changes and additions to the Offer, as well as about the withdrawal of the Offer no later than 7 (seven) calendar days before the date of entry into force of such changes and additions or before the date of withdrawal of the Offer, by posting the text of the new version of the Offer or notice of withdrawal of the Offer on the Licensor's information resources.
5. Cost of using the Application
The cost of using the Application is specified on the platform.
6. Personal information of the licensee
6.1. The Licensee independently and voluntarily transfers information about their personal data to third parties (including the Licensor's partners) during the Licensee's registration in the Application in the process of installing (downloading) the Application on a mobile device and during the subsequent use of the Application by the Licensee.
6.2. The Licensor does not receive and does not store the information transferred by the Licensee to third parties, as indicated in clause 7.1 of the Offer.
6.3. The Licensor does not verify the legal capacity of the Licensee and the reliability of the personal data provided by the Licensee.
7. Responsibility
7.1. The Licensor does not provide the Licensee with any guarantees regarding the error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Application.
7.2. The Application is provided "as is". The Licensor does not provide any guarantees regarding the error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Application or its individual components, the compliance of the Application with the specific goals of the Licensee, as well as does not provide any other guarantees not expressly stated in this Agreement.
7.3. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Licensor, as well as its partners, shall not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or inability to use the Application and/or damage caused to the Licensee and/or third parties as a result of any use or non-use of the Application or its individual components, including due to possible errors or failures in their operation.
7.4. The Licensor is not responsible for any consequences of the Licensee's use and/or inability to use the Application (including liability for the transfer and use by third parties of the Licensee's personal data provided by the Licensee during registration in the Application when installing (downloading) the Application on a mobile device and during subsequent use of the Application), as well as for damage caused to the Licensee or any third party as a result of such use and/or inability to use the Application.
7.5. All claims related to the use/inability to use the Application, as well as possible facts of violation as a result of using the Application of legislation and/or the rights of third parties, should be sent to the e-mail address
8. Force majeure circumstances
8.1. The Licensor and the Licensee are released from liability for complete or partial non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under the Agreement in the event that such non-performance was the result of force majeure, that is, events that could not be foreseen or prevented. Such events include: natural disasters, military actions, the adoption by state bodies or local self-government bodies of normative or law enforcement acts and other actions that are beyond the reasonable foresight and control of the Licensor and the Licensee.
9. Term of the Agreement and conditions for its termination
9.1. The Agreement is considered concluded from the moment the Licensee performs the actions specified in clause 2.2 of this Offer and is valid until its termination on the grounds provided for by the current legislation of the United Kingdom.
9.2. The Licensee has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement by performing actual actions to delete the Application from the mobile device.
9.3. The Licensor has the right to unilaterally refuse the Agreement in full or in part if the Licensee provides third parties with rights to use the Application, as well as in other cases provided for by this Offer and the legislation of the United Kingdom.
10. Final provisions
10.1. This Agreement may be modified by the Licensor without any prior notice. Any changes to the Agreement made unilaterally by the Licensor shall enter into force on the day following the day of publication of such changes on ``. The Licensee is obliged to independently check the Agreement for changes. The failure of the Licensee to take actions to familiarize himself with the Agreement and/or the amended version of the Agreement cannot serve as a basis for the Licensee's non-fulfillment of his obligations and the User's non-compliance with the restrictions established by the Agreement.
10.2. The invalidity of one or more provisions of the Agreement, recognized in the prescribed manner by a court decision that has entered into force, does not entail the invalidity of the Agreement as a whole. In the event that one or more provisions of the Agreement are recognized as invalid in the prescribed manner, the Parties undertake to perform the obligations assumed under the Agreement as close as possible to those implied by the Parties when concluding the Agreement.
10.3. This Agreement and the relationship between the Parties in connection with this Agreement and the use of the Application are governed by the laws of the United Kingdom.
10.4. The norms of the legislation of the United Kingdom regulating the procedure and conditions for concluding an agreement by accepting a public offer apply to the form and method of concluding this Agreement.
10.5. All disputes between the parties under this Agreement are subject to resolution in accordance with the current legislation of the United Kingdom.